Am I free to name my dog what I want to name him?
The name I zeroed down on for my new puppy was “Selfish”. There is no deeper implication to it, I just wanted to keep a dog and name him Selfish.
But that wasn't to be the end of the story. Selfish's vet always asks his name again as if she cant understand it, and says, " Selfish?? Is that really his name?" Family members said from day one, that they do not even feel like calling him. Neighbours say that you have finally validated our fears of your semi-sanity. While my ex-girlfriend says that she wished my parents had named me that. Elder brother takes a wholly moral stand to it, saying that naming a dog thus is nothing less than a sin.
Nevertheless, I love this name and so does Selfish who responds to it as if it was his name for the past many births. So there!